If it hurts, stop. If its sacrifice, do it!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Continuing the pride thing..

In working with people, I notice two pollarities, not limited to though, the users of energy and the givers of energy. This all ties in with the pride and sacrifice thing. You have those that take energy from others unknowingly. And then those that bend in order to allow the other a place where they feels safe. This person loses energy. The root of this taker? Attachment to self, the insecure self. If your sense of "self" is developed, you know what your values are and it leads to security. If not, than your unsure of the "self" which leads to "insecurities." In order to sacrifice and give yourself in a real loving manner, you must know yourself first and be o.k. with yourself. God made us just fine, in his image and likeness. And were really complaining about him when we arent happy with our self. Once we arrive at a place where we are happy with what we have, we can begin to move that energy towards God instead of ourselves or objects. Than we can begin to sacrifice for others, the pride of self begins to deminish. Unfortunately, its a life long battle, but a battle that can be overcome because God has provided a way through his body, the Church.....


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